
How Do I Order a YEARBOOK?

Here is a teeny tiny sneak peek at our yearbook cover for the 2016-2017 school year (there is even an extra surprise that you will see when they print!). It is the most amazing cover we have ever had! It was created by our very own Morgan Virgil in 4th grade. Envelopes were sent home but online orders are greatly appreciated!
Please order online at
Yearbook ID Code: 12368417Also, your pictures are in the yearbook if you submitted pictures via the community library. The community library will remain open and I will include as many pictures as possible! (Awards assembly, field trips, dress up days, and more are great to share!)

Here is the information on how to share your school related photos to be considered for the yearbook. Please be sure to include names and details about the event in the description.

Encourage your scholar to come up with a catchy caption!

Community Image Upload Site Access Code: KQGAZC

Megan Breckenridge